Some thoughts for Lent
from Sr. Miriam of the Holy Ghost (Jessica Powers)
from Sr. Miriam of the Holy Ghost (Jessica Powers)
Nor do you know your dwelling
for dark is your retreat,
and who would guess that darkness
could hold the Paraclete?
Measure your love by stillness.
He waits; do you as well
give to His infinite patience
your finite parallel.
When quiet has possessed you,
and dark has fled with dim,
you on a mount of morning
will be aware of Him.
for dark is your retreat,
and who would guess that darkness
could hold the Paraclete?
Measure your love by stillness.
He waits; do you as well
give to His infinite patience
your finite parallel.
When quiet has possessed you,
and dark has fled with dim,
you on a mount of morning
will be aware of Him.
(from “O Spirita Sancta”)
To live with the Spirit of God is to be a listener.
It is to keep the vigil of mystery,
earthless and still.
One leans to catch the stirring of the Spirit,
strange as the wind’s will.
The soul is all activity, all silence;
and though it surges Godward to its goal,
it holds, as moving earth holds sleeping noonday,
the peace that is the listening of the soul.
(from “To Live With the Spirit”)
Beautiful. :-)
"Vigil of Mystery". Wouldn't that be a wonderful title for a new book, kt? ;)
Ok, Gabrielle, you should know that you are being used as an instrument of Grace here. Because yours is the third comment in a week regarding “a new book.”
First, a priest-friend of mine said (half-jokingly), after reading some writing of mine, that he is “looking forward to the new book.” Then, my spiritual director said (not joking), after reading some journaling, that “there is a new book in here, eh?”
And now you have added your voice to theirs.
We’ll see what God has in Mind. If He wants me to write something, He has not made clear what it is yet.
But I DO like the title idea ;-)
Well, we always say, "jamais deux sans trois"; never two without three, and it does always seem to be true. I really don't know why I typed that in the combox; it was totally spontaneous.
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