Why a “conspiracy”?
Because we need a revolution, and revolutions must be planned quietly.
Because we must throw truth in the eye of the lie, but first we must be sure we know what we are throwing, and we know that best when we say these things out loud to one another and share our thoughts and experience (“Where two or three are gathered in My Name…,” even electronically). So we “breathe together” in order to learn, to clarify, to inspire.
(I am a real logophile, and all kinds of poetic thoughts start churning as I consider the etymologies of words, and all their derivations. Right now, I am weaving inspire, aspire, expire, conspire, transpire... perspire?!)
Because “exhaling” connotes “letting go” and surrendering, and we must surrender our own ideas in order to be filled with the Holy Spirit – we must be willing to surrender our entire selves in order to be used by Him. The name of this blog comes partly from the title poem from one of my books. In the poem, I describe my “brush with death,” in which I experienced my own surrender to God’s will in my exhaling – my “letting go” – and found profound peace.
In every moment, the culture is screaming, "TAKE MORE!" and outshouting the silence we need to remember what we are and why we are here. These are the questions that I often pose to people who are seeking something more - What are we? Why are we here? How can we best BE what we ARE?
And if we are only here and now, what is the point? We are only burdensome and loathesome to ourselves. Of course, we are made for more than this, but if we consider our nothingness without Him, all our frantic search for meaning and worth or for an escape for our meaninglessness is seen in stark contrast with our true dignity as creatures loved by Absolute Meaning. But how many know that they are loved? Loved in truth, BY Truth, with the only Love that matters...
This is what I mean by plotting against the nihilism of the day. We will have to chip away at this a little at a time, as we have real lives that take up our time (alas, my time is not my own). But this is a bare beginning.
I am off on a weekend trip as of tomorrow morning, and won't be back until Tuesday :-(
But I am confident that you all will keep the conversation going and the conspiracy alive!
I may have a minute tonight to check back, God willing. Meanwhile, ti amo!
Because we need a revolution, and revolutions must be planned quietly.
Because we must throw truth in the eye of the lie, but first we must be sure we know what we are throwing, and we know that best when we say these things out loud to one another and share our thoughts and experience (“Where two or three are gathered in My Name…,” even electronically). So we “breathe together” in order to learn, to clarify, to inspire.
(I am a real logophile, and all kinds of poetic thoughts start churning as I consider the etymologies of words, and all their derivations. Right now, I am weaving inspire, aspire, expire, conspire, transpire... perspire?!)
Because “exhaling” connotes “letting go” and surrendering, and we must surrender our own ideas in order to be filled with the Holy Spirit – we must be willing to surrender our entire selves in order to be used by Him. The name of this blog comes partly from the title poem from one of my books. In the poem, I describe my “brush with death,” in which I experienced my own surrender to God’s will in my exhaling – my “letting go” – and found profound peace.
In every moment, the culture is screaming, "TAKE MORE!" and outshouting the silence we need to remember what we are and why we are here. These are the questions that I often pose to people who are seeking something more - What are we? Why are we here? How can we best BE what we ARE?
And if we are only here and now, what is the point? We are only burdensome and loathesome to ourselves. Of course, we are made for more than this, but if we consider our nothingness without Him, all our frantic search for meaning and worth or for an escape for our meaninglessness is seen in stark contrast with our true dignity as creatures loved by Absolute Meaning. But how many know that they are loved? Loved in truth, BY Truth, with the only Love that matters...
This is what I mean by plotting against the nihilism of the day. We will have to chip away at this a little at a time, as we have real lives that take up our time (alas, my time is not my own). But this is a bare beginning.
I am off on a weekend trip as of tomorrow morning, and won't be back until Tuesday :-(
But I am confident that you all will keep the conversation going and the conspiracy alive!
I may have a minute tonight to check back, God willing. Meanwhile, ti amo!
All's quiet on the Exhaling front? I hope that is because you are all prayerfully contemplating.
And I trust that when I return, you will bring me up to speed.
Ponder away, and don't be afraid to stray from the Safe Zone.
I am off with la familia. Arrivederci!
I've come here 3 times today to comment, yet there are so many places to start, the question is where.
Let me start with joy. A conspiracy of joy. In Him. His joy, breathing in our breathing together. Yes!
Joy is just as fresh as it was 2000 years ago in the garden near the borrowed tomb.. just as fresh as when the men of Galilee were joyously nudged by angels to go preach the Gospel; every bit as fresh as on that white-fiery day in the Cenacle. Every bit as wildly exciting as it was for Thomas who put his hand into the Lord's risen side.
If I mention the "J" name, I am afraid Gabrielle will throw down her strawberried cheesecake and rend her garments, so I will just say that in J's shewings, one thing is made abundantly clear: Christ is in control. All of life is but a beloved 'hazelnut' firmly in Hand. Is there any reason, then, to not have joy? All will be well, all shall be well, He will make all things well -- in different words, that promise is in our Creeds and Catechisms.
Jesus said if He quieted the Hosanna-ers, the very stones would cry out. (Joy) Maybe it wasn't only power that left its holy burstmarks upon the Shroud of Turin. (Joy) Francis impressed and re-heartened bishops in days that are similar to our own troubled one. (Joy)
Only if we surrender, as Kathryn says, can we be filled with His love, His plan, His thoughts. His joy.
Martyrs sang to each other with joy.. we have that same joy. I hope we'll not have to employ it in the same way, but it put lie to the nihil all around them.
Inhalation, exhalation. It is central to my spiritual life, to my time in contemplative prayer, to my, hopefully, entering in more deeply to the life of the Trinity.
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